Currently, the team behind QuranEveryDay project is composed of only one member, the founder. As our service expands, we will be recruiting more people to our team. QuranEveryDay.com is a non-profit project and is not affiliated with any organization. For any questions, please email: contact@quraneveryday.com
Yes, QuranEveryDay.com is absolutely free, and will remain free forever (in shaa'Allah).
All the content provided by QuranEveryDay.com is the original work of the Tanzil project licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported license.
All the work is provided as it is and without any alteration.
Well, so far, we need the following:
- Donations. As hosting this service for a large number of users would be pretty expensive.
- Sharing. You can use the sharing buttons on the left for sharing. May Allah reward us all with Al-Jannah.
- Ideas. If you have a nice idea or a feature request, you can share it with us and we will discuss it further.